One of our directors, Richard R. Osmer, was recently interviewed about findings from the Confirmation Project on The Distillery, a podcast from the Institute for Youth Ministry at Princeton Theological Seminary. Check it out with this link. Peace,Katie Douglass
Theology Today Special Edition on Confirmation
Greetings from The Confirmation Project team! In October 2018, we held the Confirmation Conference at the Institute for Youth Ministry at Princeton Theological Seminary, where we shared the findings of the Confirmation Project and strategized with ministry leaders about practical steps in cultivating teen faith through confirmation and equivalent ministries. The lectures were so wonderful […]
Book Available! Cultivating Teen Faith: Insights from the Confirmation Project
Greetings from the Confirmation Project team! Our book Cultivating Teen Faith: Insights From the Confirmation Project is out and available! We hope you find the research to confirm your hunches and inspire your work. This book provides a national perspective on a global and historical practice that, for many, is called confirmation. The heart of the […]
Cultivating Teen Faith Book Reviewed in The Presbyterian Outlook
People are talking about Cultivating Teen Faith: Insights from the Confirmation Project! Read more in this Presbyterian Outlook review by Katherine A. Stanford. You can get your own copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble,, & independent retailers. .
New Online Course: Cultivating Teen Faith in Context
The Institute for Youth Ministry at Princeton Theological Seminary now has a self-paced online course for those interested in learning from Cultivating Teen Faith. This 3-week course, which will run from January 27–February 16, 2019, would work well for an individual leader or for a group study. While the research was focused on confirmation, many of the […]
2018 Confirmation Conference
Join our team on October 4th and 5th at Princeton Theological Seminary for the Confirmation Conference where we will be sharing the findings of the Confirmation Project and strategizing with ministry leaders about practical steps in cultivating teen faith through confirmation and equivalent ministries. You can learn more about the conference and register here!
Finding Space and Time through Confirmation Retreats
Our researcher, Jacob Sorenson of Sacred Playgrounds, used Confirmation Project findings in writing this great article that was recently posted on the APCE Advocate website. Titled “Finding Space and Time through Confirmation Retreats,” it highlights the importance of retreat experiences for educational ministries. Retreat experiences provide two helpful elements: new space–forcing young people out of […]
Save the Date! October 2018 Conference
Save the Date: October 4-5, 2018 at Princeton Theological Seminary We invite you to join The Confirmation Project in Princeton this October where we will be sharing our research, celebrating a book launch, and working with those who attend to faithfully think through confirmation and equivalent ministries. We will provide you with a link to […]
New Confirmation Curriculum Resources Informed By Our Findings!
Our research showed us that most leaders are flexible with how they use curriculum, adapting it to their context. While 14 percent of leaders reported that they do not follow any set curriculum, the majority do use some form of curriculum for confirmation or equivalent ministries. The majority of leaders (59%) indicated using their denomination’s […]
How Do Presbyterian Churches USA Do Confirmation? Denominational Learnings Part 1
Today and over the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing our learnings particular to each of the five denominations we researched. Since our researchers Katie Douglass and Jacob Sorenson presented findings from The Confirmation Project at the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators (APCE) annual conference in Louisville, Kentucky yesterday and today (1/30-1/31-2018), we think it seems fitting to begin with […]