In previous weeks, we’ve posted the four presentations from Princeton Theological Seminary’s course titled “Confirmation: Contemporary Research and Innovative Practices” both here on our blog and on our social media channels (Facebook and Twitter). Here in this post, you’ll find videos of all four presentations in one convenient place! We hope you will find these presentations as exciting and helpful as we have.
This course invited students to engage research findings from The Confirmation Project and consider the implications for confirmation ministry in congregations. During this course we invited four guest speakers to speak about specific dimensions of this research. The speakers and their presentations were as follows, and you can click to view them here:
1. Pastor Cari Pattison, “Confirmation: Transforming a Rite of Passage”
Cari shared her own experience of creating and cultivating a confirmation ministry in active dialogue with her congregation.
3. Professor Lisa Kimball, “Mentor Relationships and Confirmation”
Lisa shared about the place of mentor relationships in confirmation programs.
4. Professor Gordon Mikoski, “Confirmation: Leadership, Part 1”
Gordon shared about congregational leadership and confirmation. (This video is in two parts. You’ll find Part 2 below.)
4. Professor Gordon Mikoski, “Confirmation: Leadership, Part 2”
Gordon shared about congregational leadership and confirmation. (This video is in two parts. You’ll find Part 1 directly above this.)
Hey there! I’m listening in to these and they are great. By chance do you have handouts available that they reference? I’d love to be able to refer to them as I listen.