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Portrait Gallery Released

Hello Friends,

Our Congregational Portrait Gallery is “open for viewing”! Over the upcoming year we will feature two congregations each month. This month you can learn from Collingswood Presbyterian Church in Collingswood, New Jersey. This congregation has created a small family-like atmosphere for confirmation that sees it’s small group of confirmands as an asset rather than a challenge. The second congregation you can learn about is La Iglesia Lutheran El Buen Pastor, an ELCA church in Weehawken, New Jersey. This bi-lingual congregation conducts confirmation over two years with the highlight being a summer camp that youth attend at both the beginning and end of their confirmation program. These portraits can be read on our website or downloaded for you to share.

This weekend two of our steering committee members, Lisa Kimball and Terri Elton, will be presenting a paper called, “Reimagining Youth Confirmation” at the Religious Educators Association that is meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. If you are interested in attending, you can learn more about the conference here.

Finally, you are welcome to join us for our third webinar on November 17th at 10am EST to hear how Sylvia Bull is translating her research with The Confirmation Project into her ministry in Boone, North Carolina. We will send an invitation to the webinar a few minutes before 10am. You can also visit our website that morning for a link to join us.

Katie Douglass

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