In case you missed it on our social media channels, we posted about the fourth of nine recurring sub-themes in confirmation and related practices found in our qualitative research—Faith-forming Ecology—plus a sidebar post about the special role of camps and retreat centers. We also posted an illustrative portrait, that of Stronghold Camp and Retreat Center near […]
Confirmation Sub-theme 3: Relevant and Real Program
In case you missed it on our social media channels last week, we posted about the third of nine recurring sub-themes in confirmation and related practices found in our qualitative research—Relevant and Real Program—plus an illustrative church portrait. Stay tuned for the rest of the sub-themes, and portraits illustrating many of them, in the coming weeks! […]
In Case You Missed It: Confirmation Sub-themes 1 and 2
In case you missed it on social media in the last two weeks, we explored the first two of nine recurring sub-themes in confirmation and related practices found in our qualitative research, plus a couple of illustrative church portraits. We’ll be posting about the rest of the sub-themes, and portraits illustrating many of them, in the coming weeks! […]
The Tapestry of Confirmation: 9 Sub-theme “Threads”
Just in case you missed it on our social media channels, we’ve returned to an exploration of findings from our qualitative research! A few months ago, we discussed our qualitative research key learnings, along with four dimensions that surfaced regarding the design, leadership, ecology, and curriculum of confirmation. Now, we’ve turned our attention to nine recurring […]
AME History and New Portrait
In our project, we have had the pleasure of working with a number of African Methodist Episcopal churches. Their methods of discipleship and confirmation equivalent practices have been varied throughout history and are especially so in the contemporary church. These churches have significantly enriched our research, particularly in ways that extend the concept of confirmation […]
Confirmation Topics: What Did Students Learn?
In case you missed it on our social media channels, we’re continuing our discussion of TOPICS in confirmation and related practices! In looking at what students reported actually learning in the followup survey, we found that student learning corresponded more closely with leader expectations on the initial survey than with their own. This suggests very […]
Confirmation Topics: Topic Emphasis
In case you missed it on our social media sites, we’ve been looking at topics covered in confirmation and related practices. Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve explored the emphasis given to certain topics by the three groups surveyed: students, parents, and leaders. These topics include The Lord’s Prayer, Sacraments, and The Place of […]
Confirmation Topics: What Are the Most and Least Important Ones?
In case you missed it on our social media sites, over the next couple of weeks, we are going to turn our attention to the topics covered in confirmation and related practices. In our research, we asked students, parents and leaders about how important they considered 25 different topics. Our findings show that there was […]
Confirmation Curriculum: What We Found During Our Qualitative Research
Last week on our social media channels, we posted details of what we discovered about curriculum, one of the four dimensions of confirmation (and related practices) that surfaced in the key learnings of our qualitative research. We share those details here, along with a portrait of Trinity Lutheran Church in Owatonna, Minnesota and their 3-year multi-faceted confirmation program combining […]
Confirmation Ecology: What We Found During Our Qualitative Research
Last week on our social media channels, we posted the details of what we discovered about ecology, one of the four dimensions of confirmation (and related practices) that surfaced in the key learnings of our qualitative research. We share those details here, along with a portrait of Peace Lutheran Church in Tacoma, WA and their Feet to Faith Confirmation […]